Liturgy Ministry
This ministry makes arrangements for the Holy Mass, confession and prepares bible questions for Quiz Competition. On making arrangements for the Holy Mass, they decide and give invitation to the chief celebrant of the Holy mass, and other priest who is to be celebranted during this programme. An important session of the whole grace is the confession session, where they make the students to repend and ask forgiveness, to the Lord through the priests. Arrangement of priests for confession is done by this ministry. To give importance to the word of God, bible Quiz is conducted. About 50 Questions are taken from any four books or more from the New Testament and are given to the participants, one for each college the prizes are given for the best and correct answers.
Finance Ministry
One of the most important ministry that supports the whole program. A program could not be conducted without sufficient financial support. This need is fulfilled by our finance ministry. To conduct this program successfully we need an amount of Rs. 1 lakh. To say a truth, the ministry members involved are young, chambing, energetic youths who go all around Tamil Nadu collecting money in the form of donations without expecting anything in return, accepting all the difficulties, just for the sake of the Lord, were they go to collect the money. All their works have been successful only by the grace of our Lord. Without our Lord nothing is possible is said by this ministry members, feeling the support of our Lord were ever they go.