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History of Grace

GRACE convention has been conducted every year at St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India. Dr. M. Jeyabal, Department of Economics, St. Joseph's College (1994), had a greater love of GOD and wanted to introduce Jesus to the youth. He had a vision to procreate soul winners for Jesus and the result was "Grace".

Mr. Mathew Sebastian, a student of M.A. Economics (1994-96) at St. Joseph's College worked hand in hand with Dr.M.Jeyabal for a prayer group to get blossomed at St. Joseph's college. By their constant effort and by the grace of God a prayer group was establish in the campus. In the year 1995, prayer meeting took shape with a small group of students and staff.

At the end of 1995, they came out with the idea of organizing "The Tamil Nadu Campus Ministry Youth Conference" - GRACE 1996. The full generous support and encouragement extended by the Rector, Principal, Secretary and the campus minister made this conference a good success. Catholic students were drawn from various colleges of different parts of Tamil Nadu. This Convention helped various Campus Ministries to plan out renewal programmes.

This joint venture and the successful rapport of the prayer groups of all the participating colleges have enhanced the spirit of the youth and the convention has become an annual feature in the college. It is being organized with the full support of the old students, who benefited from the Grace Conventions. The momentum gained in the beginning is being accelerated year after year and the power of the Holy Spirit is being joy fully witnessed in every Grace convention

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